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Why Calibrate

Calibration is the process used to maintain the accuracy of any device that provides a measurement within an acceptable range. The calibration process generally involves using the device to test samples of one or more known values called “calibrators or standards”....

What do I need for calibration?

Calibration requires a constant humidity and stable temperature. The Boveda App supports two calibration techniques, one calibration and two point calibration.A one point calibration uses a single “calibrator” at a known value. It is used to correct for...

How to calibrate

The One-Step Calibration Kit utilizes Boveda’s 75% or 32% relative humidity standard. A one point calibration will only require the 75% RH standard while the two point calibration will require both the 75% RH and the 32% RH standards. To begin the calibration,...

The time needed for an accurate calibration

When performing a calibration, it is very important to allow both the sensor and the calibration standard to reach equilibrium in the provided pouch. Our testing has determined that a period of 24 hours is sufficient to reach and maintain that equilibrium for an...

Something went wrong with the calibration

If for some reason you encountered an error during calibration, it is likely caused by instability in humidity and/or temperature. To ensure the calibration proceeds to completion, follow these guidelines: Maintain the calibration kit between 50º F-90º F for the...