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Smart Sensor App Support

Canned Responses

Canned Responses can be used to handle frequently asked support questions.

Blank Email

When to use: When email comes through with no text

Thank you for reaching out to us, however the email came through with no information or text. Please feel free to email back with your question or issue.

Replacing the Battery

When to use: User asks how to change the battery

Thank you for reaching out to us for support. Please replace the battery with a brand new CR2032 battery. Please be sure to install the new battery with the flat + side facing up. Once you change the battery, make sure the sensor blinks red 4 times. If it doesn’t blink 4 times, please let me know. It is important to note that you do not have to recalibrate your sensor after changing the battery.

Our FAQs have a great article on replacing the battery. Swipe right to get to the User profile page, then select App Support. Select Tips, tricks and more on the FAQ page then 2. How do I replace my battery. I hope this helps and I look forward to hearing back from you.

How long do batteries last

When to use: Customer is asking how long batteries should last

Thank you for reaching out to us for support. Batteries can last anywhere from 3-6 months depending on use and conditions. We are working on improving the battery life of the sensor.

General Connectivity Issue

When to use: Customer indicates their graphs are not updating, app hasn’t connected in several days, Bluetooth icon is not showing

Thank you for reaching out to us for support. Is there a Bluetooth icon showing next to the battery icon on the My Butlers page? The Bluetooth icon will show when the app is connected to the sensor. When the sensor is disconnected, the Bluetooth icon won’t show. Please try the following:
1. Ensure you have a good internet connection, then toggle Bluetooth.
2. If that still doesn’t help, restart the app if on iOS or force stop the app on Android (Settings –> Apps, search for the app, then select force stop. Then open the app again.)
3. Please also make sure the sensor is within range of the device you have the app on.
4. Remove the sensor battery, wait 10 seconds and then reinsert the battery. Be sure the sensor blinks red 4 times when you reinsert the battery. If it doesn’t blink red 4 times, please replace the battery with a brand new CR2032 battery. Be sure to install the new battery with the flat + side facing up. Once you change the battery, make sure the sensor blinks red 4 times. If it doesn’t blink 4 times, please let me know.

Please also consider looking at our FAQs, which have a lot of great information and screenshots. FAQs are located under App Support, which can be found on the User Profile page. Please let me know if this helps and if not please reach back out so we can resolve the issue.

iOS 13 Bluetooth Settings

When to use: User asks why they keep seeing pop up about Bluetooth settings despite Bluetooth being enabled

Thank you for reaching out to us. I believe this has to do with iOS 13. Could you check that under Settings you have Bluetooth Sharing enabled for the Boveda app?

Go to Settings, then scroll to the Boveda app. Next, ensure Bluetooth Sharing is toggled on (green).

If that doesn’t work, I would suggest that you delete and re-install the Boveda app and be sure to agree to all the permissions upon reinstall.  Please note, do not delete your sensors from your account rather just delete and re-install the app.

How to perform a 2pt calibration manually

When to use: User is looking for 2 point calibration option

​We removed the automated “wizard” 2 point calibration from the Boveda app due to some bugs as well as it not improving the accuracy by that much more when it comes to cigar storage at higher humidity levels, but you can still perform a manual two point calibration easily.

You’ll want to place the Butler in a 32% RH calibration kit for at least 24-36 hours and then navigate to the calibration page from settings. From there you can click customize and enable two point calibration. Then just enter the offset.

The offset will be 32 minus the number the Butler is currently reading after being in the calibration kit. For example if the Butler is reading 37% RH after 24-36 hours in the calibration kit, the offset would be -5% (32 – 37 = -5).

Minor bug fixes

When to use: User identifies a bug and wants to be notified when fix is ready

Once this issue is looked into and a fix is applied, it would be implemented when the next app update is released. We don’t have a process in place to reach back out to customers once specific bug fixes are implemented and released, but I would encourage you to install updates for the app in order to get the fixes and updates in 

Recalibrating after changing the battery

When to use: User asks if they need to recalibrate after a battery change

Thank you for reaching out to us for support. There is no need to recalibrate the Butler after changing the battery. I hope this answers your questions and feel free to reach out with any further questions.

Ask for Review

When to use: If the user has had a positive support experience

Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us! It was a pleasure interacting with you and we’re glad we were able to resolve your issue. It would mean a lot to us if you could help spread the word by leaving a review.

Apple App Store
Android Play Store

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever have any questions, comments, or issues. We’re here to help.

Sensor inop

When to use: Butler no longer blinks red 4 times after reinserting the battery

I am sorry to hear that the Butler you purchased is not working. If the red light on the Butler unit does not blink when removing and re-inserting a new battery, it sounds like the Butler is broken. Please reply with your address so that we can ship you a new one. It would be great if we could get the broken Butler sent back so that we can figure out what is wrong with it, so included with the new Butler will also be a return label.

Failed Calibration

When to use: When a user indicates the calibration did not complete or it failed. This response is could also be helpful when users reach out with concern that their sensor is reading above or below 75% during the process.

Thank you for reaching out to us for support.  Calibration can fail if the humidity failed to rise in the calibration kit or if there is too much change in temperature and/or humidity during the calibration process. Because of this, please do not open the calibration kit during the calibration process. If your sensor reads above or below 75% during the calibration process, it is perfectly normal, and the app will adjust the calibration value by the % it is off from 75% automatically once calibration finishes. This % off from 75% is known as the high or 1 point offset.

Please try the following and then restart your calibration:
1. Please ensure the sensor is in a new fresh calibration kit and sealed completely shut.
2. Be sure to avoid any temperature fluctuations and sunlight. Please note that even heat/air systems cycling can cause a calibration to fail.
3. Keep the calibration kit away from windows, doors and temp/humidity fluctuations
4. Even small changes during a calibration can cause issues.

What is blink sensor?

When to use: When a user is confused about the blink sensor button or is asking questions about it.

Thank you for reaching out to us for support.  The blink sensor button does exactly as it sounds, it will make your Butler blink! Depending on your Butler, it will either start blinking right after pressing the blink sensor button, or you may have to shake your Butler to wake it up before it blinks.

If your Butler is not blinking, make sure you are in-range of the Butler with Bluetooth enabled on your phone/tablet and the Butlers battery is still alive. You can’t blink a butler with a dead battery.

Blinking your Butler can be helpful:

  1. If you have multiple Butlers and forgot which one is which, you can blink one from the app to find which one it is.
  2. If you are unsure if your Butler is connecting or if the battery is dead, you can try to blink the sensor to find out.