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Smart Sensor App Support

What are Impact Alerts and how do they work?

Dec 5, 2019

Impact alerts make use of the onboard accelerometer to measure the acceleration applied to your butler. This measured force is a vector quantity that we calculate into a magnitude to let the user know how hard the impact was that they experienced. To trigger an impact alert, the user would need to experience an acceleration greater than the magnitude of their preset g value in settings (Default is 9gs).


What is a g?

A g is the unit symbol for g-force. g-force is the measurement of the amount of force per unit mass, which is generally just an object’s acceleration. A g-force of 1g would be equal to earth’s gravity on a stationary object. For a user’s butler, an impact would be calculated based on the vector sum of the butler’s acceleration in all directions. What this means is if a user were to drop their butler, hit their butler on something, or if the butler was in its case and the case was dropped, the user would receive an impact alert showing the amount of g-force their sensor sampled during the impact.


When do I need impacts

Impacts are especially important when traveling with your valuable, even if it is in its case. The impact system will detect and alert you if your valuable is ever dropped or mishandled.